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[......It was great speaking over the phone
the other day. It interests me a lot when we discuss about our Nation
and its history. As I mention to you about The Kandi Ramamurthy
Rajah. I have received relevant documentation along with a covering
letter from him. I am hereby sending you some points to be published
in your magazine. It is with sadness I read the various letters
he has received for the Sri Lankan Government, the Indian Government and
other organisations in different parts of the world. Each one of
them has sent negative replies for his appeal for aid. An email will
follow with some of the documents as an attachment. The reason as
to why I want to help the Kandi Rajah is because from a very young
age I have always done lots of social work in helping those who are
in need by collecting individual funds. It is not only because he
is an existing Descendent of the last king of Kandy but when I spoke
to him over the phone he wept and requested for some help.
He is not an avaricious man but he is living a middle class life
although he should be living the life of a noble. He is a man who is over
seventy years of age and is unable to work and he has lost his right to
receive a pension from the Sri Lankan Government.
Because he is a Descendent to a king
who reigned in Sri Lanka other organisations tell him to appeal to
the Government of Sri Lanka for help but the Sri Lankan Government
tell him to appeal to the Indian Government because he resides in
India. Like this he has been swayed from place to place but has not
received any help from either Government. There are Monarchs of countries
during the colonial time that invaded our country and destroyed our kingdoms
and today they are all flourishing but a Descendent to a king from our
own country is suffering. Because I am an existing Descendent
of Jaffna Dynasty I cannot see another existing Descendent suffering.
It would be nice to see the Descendents of our country receive the
same honour respect and dignity other Monarchs receive in their countries.
And I do hope the Heritage continues in our country. There
are a lot of people who claim to be Descendents to the last King of Kandy
but none of them offer any kind of help to the actual Descendent
of the Kandy King. The Kandi Rajah has got an adopted son who is
very ill and needs a great lot of medication. A few people like Dr.
Anandan and family and a few others known to the Rajah are helping
him as much as they can. If there is anyone who would like to help
the Rajah they can contact him on the following address:
The Rajah
Kandi Ramamurthy Rajah
Direct Descendent Great Grand Son of
Sri Rajadi Rajah Sinhe King of Kandy
Narasingarayapeta SPO 517 419
Chittoor District
Andhra Pradesh
So Mr. Giritharan I request you to please
publish the following names for further information and reference.
1. Mr. J.R. Kanagarajah
Direct Descendent of
Jaffna Dynasty
Tel: 0031622235886
E-mail : jrkdynasty@hotmail.com
2. Mr. Adelin Remy (Editor)
Almanach De Bruxelles.
Tel 0032474 941749
E-mail : almanachdebruxelles@compuserve.com
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