March 8, 2007 Ottawa, Ontario] Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the
following statement on the occasion of International Women's Day: Ending Violence Against Women: Action for Real Results, is
Canada's International Women's Day theme for 2007, and reflects our government's
resolve to introduce effective measures that put an end to violent crimes and
provide women the assistance they need.
Canada's New Government understands the impact that violence has on the lives of
women and families across the country, and the importance of change today that
will last for generations to come. Canadians want assurance that our nation is a
safe and secure place to live and raise families, that we remain a peaceful,
law-abiding society, and our victims of crime are respected and their voices
Over the past year, Canada's New Government has been delivering positive change
for Canadian women and their families.
We have introduced significant pieces of legislation to strengthen our justice
system. Our proposed legislation includes stricter conditions on sexual and
violent offenders, tougher mandatory minimum penalties for gun crimes, and
raising the age of protection from sexual exploitation.
One of our proud initiatives includes addressing the long-standing issue of
matrimonial property rights, which has unfairly prevented on-reserve Aboriginal
women from equal property rights.
By introducing new measures and supporting effective programs, we are working to
provide all women in Canada with a sense of security and opportunity.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
pm@PM.GC.CA |