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Tamil Poetry Book Launch:
Oliyin Malalaihal’ (Children
of light)!
by Thava Sajitharan!
Time: Saturday, 5.15pm
Day: February 25,
Location: Colombo
Thamizh Sangam, Rudra Mawatha, Wellawatta, Colombo-06
Thava Sajitharan is a young Sri Lankan Tamil poet and a journalist working with Sri Lanka’s national weekly Sunday Observer. His poems have appeared in many literary magazines in Sri Lanka, including in English, 'God of Horror,' back cover of SSA's Polity journal's 2nd post-tsunami 2005 issue. Sajitharan’s first book of poetry ‘Oliyin Malalaihal (Children of Light)’ is divided into two parts: the first part includes poems written in keeping with prosody, and the second free verse.
Prof. M.A.Nuhman (University
of Peradeniya, Tamil Dept.), in his Foreword to the book says: ‘My first
impression after going through the poems in this compilation, is that Sajitharan
is a young poet who deserves our trust.’